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  • October Training Insider – True Independence is Taking Responsibility
    0 3914

    As Nigeria celebrates her 57th independence anniversary, felicitations are surely not out of place. Even the most incurable cynics cannot argue the fact that there is indeed a lot to celebrate. However, it can be argued that the reasons and scope for celebration at a personal level will vary amongst...

  • Promoting Your Courses on Nigerian Seminars and Trainings Portal
    0 6626

    As a response to all the enquiries we have been receiving from training providers all over the world wanting to know how they can use our platform to promote the businesses and upcoming training courses, we decided to put together a step-by-step guide on how to assist prospective users. Old...

  • Welcome to September – It’s time to start “Calling the Mare”
    0 4146

    As the last of the crops are gathered in, there used to be a lovely ceremony called Calling the Mare. The farmers all wanted to prove that they had the best reapers, so they tried to gather in the last of their crops before the neighboring farmer did. The last sheaf...

  • Feature Writers Needed!....... Earn Extra Income!!
    0 4137
    Feature Writers Needed!....... Earn Extra Income!! General Issues

    Are you an academic / academician, a research fellow, a human capital development specialist or personal growth or career development specialist? Are you passionate about adding your voice to the creation of a body of knowledge aimed at molding opinion and charting new vistas of knowledge? If your answer to...

  • Our New Venue Platform - An Easier Way to Book Training Venues!
    0 3732

    We are pleased to announce the upgrade of our venue listing platform to address the needs of the training industry better. Designed with the specific requirements of the training industry in mind, this new platform seeks to bridge the gap between the training providers and venue providers by providing functional...

  • Introducing Nigerian Seminars and Trainings' PPC Advertising Platform
    0 3674

    As a way of demonstrating our understanding of the tough times businesses are going through now, we are pleased to announce the launch of our pay per click (PPC) / Cost per impression (CPM) advertising platform. PPC is an internet advertising model used to direct traffic to websites in which an...

  • Optimizing Your Content for Better Visibility in Search Engines
    1 6729

    Visibility in search engines is perhaps the goal of all online activities. Achieving this goal is therefore important to your online success. In response to enquiries from many training providers desirous of greater visibility in search engines (SE) for their courses uploaded to our website, we have, over the years, gone...

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