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  • Enhancing Your Career Through On-the-Job Education
    0 609

    On-the-Job education is one of the best ways to enhance your career. It can provide you with valuable knowledge, skills, and experience that will set you apart from other candidates in a competitive job market. With the right educational program, you can gain an advantage over competitors and increase your...

  • Turning Your Dreams into Reality
    0 710
    Turning Your Dreams into Reality Self-Development

    Do you ever feel like the time is just slipping away and your dreams are slowly fading? You’re not alone Often, we want to turn our dreams into reality but don't quite know how or where to start.  The truth is, it doesn’t have to be so difficult and there...

  • Learning and Development - An Essential Tool for Organizational and Personal Renewal
    0 1141

    As organizations and individuals face unprecedented challenges due to the constantly evolving business landscape, with new technologies and global challenges shaping the way organizations operate, the need for continuous learning and development, to match the skills and competences of the workforce to the emerging challenges cannot be over-emphasized. In this post,...

  • Beyond Qualifications - Do You Have What It Takes to Succeed?
    0 1066

    According to Johnny Carson "Talent (or qualifications) alone won’t make you a success. Neither will being in the right place at the right time, unless you are ready." This rings true even today, as possessing essential traits is crucial for success in both work and life. While qualifications and training...

  • Investing in Yourself: The Key to Sustainable Career Success
    0 1264

    This little illustration, from habit 7 of Stephen R. Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” demonstrates the necessity of self-renewal in ensuring one’s capacity to remain effective. In his words, “this is the single most powerful investment we can ever make in life – in the only instrument we...

  • Quality - The Third Leg of Operations Management’s Tripod
    0 1385

    In our preceding discussions on operations management, we focused on the crucial issues of efficiency and cost. In this post, we will explore the equally important aspect of quality management. It is widely recognized that successful business operations require effective management of all three elements - Efficiency, Cost, and Quality...

  • Cost - The Second Leg of Operations Management’s Tripod
    0 1354

    Gartner finance glossary defines cost management as the process of planning and controlling the costs associated with running a business. It includes collecting, analyzing, and reporting cost information to more effectively budget, forecast and monitor costs. Cost in operations management or operational cost, refers to the monetary value associated with...

  • Efficiency - The First Tripod of Operations Management
    0 996

    Operations management rests on three tripods - efficiency, cost, and quality. In this post, we will look at efficiency, its role and importance in operations management and explore some practical tips and strategies organizations can use to improve efficiency in the management of its operations. In subsequent posts in this...

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