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  • The Importance of Promoting Your Courses on Nigerian Seminars and Trainings Website
    0 1138

    The importance of promoting your training courses on Nigerian Seminars and Trainings website is, without doubt, not debatable. In any market, advertising and promotion are the catalyst of conversion and sales.  We have had this discussion with several training providers, and we indeed, cannot give up because the success of...

  • After Compulsory Education, What Next?  - A Reflection
    0 3467

    A conversation with Gavin - Uwem Mbot Umana Gavin looked at his GCSE result for the 10th time. He had done well in most of his subjects. What else could he have asked for. For the core subjects of English math and science, he had aced them. There was celebration in the air...

  • Promoting Your Courses on Nigerian Seminars and Trainings Portal
    0 6866

    As a response to all the enquiries we have been receiving from training providers all over the world wanting to know how they can use our platform to promote the businesses and upcoming training courses, we decided to put together a step-by-step guide on how to assist prospective users. Old...

  • Welcome to September – It’s time to start “Calling the Mare”
    0 4318

    As the last of the crops are gathered in, there used to be a lovely ceremony called Calling the Mare. The farmers all wanted to prove that they had the best reapers, so they tried to gather in the last of their crops before the neighboring farmer did. The last sheaf...

  • Hosting the Directory of Accredited Training Institutions in Nigeria
    1 5081

    The idea of hosting the directory of accredited training institutions in Nigeria on the Nigerian Seminars and Trainings portal was borne out of a strong sense of responsibility, and an avowed commitment to protect the training public against the antics of quacks, and ensure that the training received by trainees...

  • Welcome to 2015 - Don’t Be Afraid to Start - CIPM
    0 5307

    Imagine if the author of your favorite book never wrote it, or the composer of your favorite song never sang? All the tunes that would have gone, art works that would have gone undesigned, books unwritten, houses not built, companies not existing, all because someone somewhere failed to start. As you...

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