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  • Equipped for Success – A Thinkpiece
    2 3245
    Equipped for Success – A Thinkpiece Leadership

    “We have been equipped for everything that we have need of in this journey of life, but we need to discover the toolkit that we have been equipped with” - Uwem Umana I would like to talk about how we are equipped for life's journey using the duck and other animals...

  • After Compulsory Education, What Next?  - A Reflection
    0 3619

    A conversation with Gavin - Uwem Mbot Umana Gavin looked at his GCSE result for the 10th time. He had done well in most of his subjects. What else could he have asked for. For the core subjects of English math and science, he had aced them. There was celebration in the air...

  • Active Inertia –  Hustling while You Wait!
    0 8810

    This is an idea closely identified with Donald “Don” Sull, an associate professor at London Business School and rising star in a new generation of management gurus. Educated almost exclusively at Harvard (first degree, doctorate and MBA), Sull worked in consulting (with McKinsey & Company) and private equity (with Clayton,...

  • Finishing Strong Every Year -  A Lesson from the Racetracks
    0 3907

    As we approach the end of any year, everyone is understandably apprehensive, some in fact worried about the likely outcomes of their various pursuits since the beginning of the year. Targets, indeed, must be met, salaries paid, and stakeholders kept happy. The question on everyone’s mind right now is “how...

  • Becoming More Productive at Work – A Recipe for a Secure and Fulfilling Career
    0 5805

    Before, during and after the Covid-19 pandemic, the economic situation in Nigeria, and everywhere around the world continues to move from bad to worse. The war in Ukraine is not making things any easier with worldwide disruption in supply chains and a looming food crisis. Every day, the cost of...

  • Make the Second Half of the Year Count!
    0 4623

    It is with great excitement we welcome you to the second half of the year 2018. Without doubt, it has been an exciting year with all the socio-economic / political twists and turns. The good part is, it’s a new beginning! Another chance to step back, evaluate your year so...

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